Our HCA (Healthcare Cash Advance) product is the perfect financing solution for medical practices, healthcare companies, and any business that provides health-related services and accepts insurance payments. Through our proprietary underwriting, we can account for the unique nature of healthcare reimbursements.
Here are the highlights and guidelines for our HCA program:
► Min. time in business = 1 year
► Min. monthly deposits = $25K
► Min. # of monthly deposits = 5
► Min. FICO = 500
► Min. & Max. financing = $25K - $1M
► Min. & Max. terms = 3-15 months
► Daily and weekly payments available
Let me know what we can do to help you market the HCA to the healthcare provider industry. Remember, any business that accepts government and/or private insurance payments is qualified.
Talk to me about your financial needs at 609-365-0001 x100 Mike Corso